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Top 10 sites & tweeters

Some of the best innovations in science have come from the combination of different technologies. For instance, look at the Ion Proton system from Life Technologies which combines core technologies in DNA sequencing and semiconductor fabrication. But there are so many developments in our different fields that it is hard to keep current. One way of trying to keep up to date is to follow a few good websites from innovators and knowledgeable bloggers. Here are a few of my favorites that hopefully will keep you up to date without being overwhelmed.

Atul Butte @atulbutte A serial entrepreneur and MD PhD from Harvard who is now at Stanford whose tweets keep a pulse on the industry.

Kevin Davies @KevinADavies He wrote ‘The $1,000 Genome’ and ‘Cracking the Genome’ and is Founding editor of Nature Genetics and Bio-IT World magazine. His blog is full of tweets that put a personal face on our industry.

Luke Timmerman @ldtimmerman is an award-winning journalist specializing in the business of life sciences. Before joining Xconomy, he was the U.S. biotechnology reporter for Bloomberg News. Biotech news is his job and he does it well.

Francis Collins, NIH Director blog is an array of fascinating topics at the intersection of science and health. As an added benefit, the photos are often creative and beautiful. Next Gen Seek offers timely updates on trends, companies, new products, jobs, conferences and more in the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and genomics field. Dale Yuziki offers up to the minute updates on everything from new NGS product releases to how to use twitter. His perspective is an interesting one as Dale has worked for NGS industry leaders such as Illumina, Raindance and is now at Life Technologies. He has been around the block, does his homework and knows what he is talking about. Keith Robinson’s Omic’s Omic’s blog offers his well informed & personal opinions on a ranges of emerging NGS technologies and approaches. Timpson & Ayanna Monteverdi goal is to advance life science research, connecting people and ideas. If you like your information podcasted and enjoy seeing the players right in front of you, put this on your watch list. If you prefer email updates throughout the day, so you don’t miss anything such as new product launches, financial information, legal action, mergers and job changes sign up for their daily emails. Genomics and NGS technologies are being increasingly used in healthcare. It’s is a good idea to start understanding the view from the clinic. Dark Daily offers news and trends in the clinical and pathology market space. Everything from implantable medical chips used to monitor cancer patients to whole genome sequencing for pathology labs.

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